Breathing in Confinement

October 15th, 2019

World Day Against the Death Penalty: 280 executions over the last one year in Iran

Breathing in Confinement _ On the occasion of World Day Against the Death Penalty, the Prisoners’ Rights League in Iran annually reports the number of executions carried out in Iran. All of the figures are gathered by the League’s Statistics Center and other trusted human rights activists and institutions.

September 26th, 2019

Three political prisoners were transferred to political women ward of Evin Prison

Breathing in Confinement – Three political prisoners, Giti Pour Fazel, Shahla Entesari and Shahla Jahanbin were transferred last night to the political women ward of Evin prison. The three political activists, after a month of being kept in detention and under interrogation, were transferred to the women’s ward of Evin Prison on September 22. Giti […]

August 21st, 2019

Maryam Akbari Monfared’s Daughter: “My Mother Is on the Right Side of the History!”

Breathing in Confinement – The authorities of Evin prison have recently told to the imprisoned women that their weekly meetings with their children was canceled. Prison authorities have also stated that their family visits will be once in a month but when they were asked about the source of this order, they have said that […]

August 19th, 2019

Imprisoned Women’s Weekly Visit with Their Children Canceled

Breathing in Confinement – The weekly prison visit of imprisoned women in Evin prison with their children has been terminated. According to the reports obtained by Prisoners’ Rights League in Iran (PRLI), the prisoners of women’s ward of Evin prison have been informed on August 19, 2019 that their weekly visits with their children will […]

August 17th, 2019

The Newest List of Female Political Prisoners in Evin Prison

Breathing in Confinement – The number of political prisoners in the women’s ward of Evin prison have reached to 41 after a number of prisoners were transferred to this ward from Qarchak prison of Varamin. Prisoners’ Rights League in Iran (PRLI) published the newest list of these prisoners and their executable sentences:

August 9th, 2019

Maryam Somaqani Transferred to Women’s Ward of Evin Prison

Breathing in Confinement – Maryam Somaqani has been transferred to women’s ward of Evin prison after one week of detention. According to the reports obtained by Prisoners’ Rights League in Iran (PRLI), Maryam Somaqani was transferred to the women’s ward of Evin prison on 6 August 2019.

August 8th, 2019

Raha Amadi Arrested

Breathing in Confinement – Raha Amadi, civil rights activist has been arrested and taken to an unknown location. According to the reports obtained by Prisoners’ Rights League in Iran (PRLI), Raha Ahmadi, civil and women’s rights activist has been arrested in the morning of 4 August 2019 on her way to work.

August 7th, 2019

Two anti-compulsory-hijab activists transferred to women’s ward of evin

Breathing in Confinement – Two of the women who are active against compulsory Hijab law have been transferred to women’s ward of Evin prison. According to the reports obtained by Prisoners’ Rights League in Iran (PRLI), Maryam Amiri and Fateme Amiri have been transferred to women’s ward of Evin prison on 7 August 2019.

August 7th, 2019

Three political prisoners transferred to women’s ward of Evin prison

Breathing in Confinement – Asrin Darkale, Maryam Mohammadi and Neda Naji were transferred to women’s ward of Evin prison. According to the reports obtained by Prisoners’ Rights League in Iran (PRLI), Asrin Darkale and Maryam Mohammadi, two women’s rights activists were transferred to women’s ward of Evin prison on 6 August 2019.

August 6th, 2019

Anisha Asadollahi Released on the bail

Breathing in Confinement – Anisha Asadollahi was released on the bail form Evin prison some hours ago. According to the report obtained by Prisoners’ Rights League in Iran (PRLI), Anisha Asadollahi was released on a bail of 2 billion IRR on 6 August 2019.