Breathing in Confinement


Execution of a prisoner in connection with the explosion at the Ministry of Defense complex in Isfahan


Category: executions


March 3, 2024
News Group: Execution –
Breathing in Confinement: In the early hours of March 3, the execution sentence of a prisoner on charges of “acting against the national security by attempting to explode a complex affiliated with the Ministry of Defense in Isfahan” was carried out.

According to the “Breathing in Confinement”, the news outlet of the Prisoners’ Rights League in Iran, on Monday, March 3, a prisoner was executed on security charges.
Mizan News Agency, affiliated with the judiciary, claimed that the executed prisoner had been in contact with “Mossad agents” through social networks since March 2020, and that in 2022, “by renting a hangar, buying a Nissan van, and three cars, imported several drones into the country.”

Mizan, quoting the Chief Justice of Isfahan, wrote that this individual, whose identity has not been disclosed, “left the country with a fake identity, 13 days after the attack on the Isfahan complex, but security forces arrested him in one of the neighboring countries.”

This judicial authority did not mention the method of detaining and transferring him to Iran, or the country where he was detained.

The IRIB News Network claimed in the subtitle of its news channel that on January 28, 2023, this individual “intended to detonate a workshop complex of the Ministry of Defense in Isfahan under the guidance of a Mossad intelligence officer.”

Channels close to intelligence entities have also released videos of the explosion and claimed that these videos show the explosion at the Ministry of Defense complex in Isfahan, stating that the execution of this prisoner has been related to these explosions.

So far, official media and responsible institutions have not provided further details regarding the identity of the executed prisoner and the location of his execution.

