Breathing in Confinement: Ali Younesi, a computer engineering student at Sharif University of Technology, and a gold medalist in the International Astronomy Olympiad has captured Covid-19 in Ward 209 at Evin Prison.
Breathing in Confinement: On the morning of Wednesday, June 10, 2020, a death sentence was carried out in Naqadeh Prison. The executed prisoner had been arrested four years ago on charges of murder and was later sentenced to death,
Breathing in Confinement: On Thursday, June 6, 2020, a Baloch man who had previously been sentenced to prison on drug charges, was executed in Birjand Prison without even having a death sentence.
Breathing in Confinement: Atena Daemi, a civil rights activist who is serving her fifth year in Evin Prison, was summoned this morning to Branch 2 of Evin Prison Court, for a new case filed against her.
Breathing in Confinement: On Sunday, June 7, security officers raided the homes of three Baha’i citizens in Rafsanjan, confiscated their personal belongings, including mobile phones and books, and then transferred them to an unknown location.
Breathing in Confinement: To be charged in a new case, in her 11th year in prison, on June 10, 2020, the political prisoner, Maryam Akbari Monfared was summoned to Moghaddas Court in Evin Prison.
Breathing in Confinement: A prisoner, sentenced to death on the charge of murder, was recently executed.
Breathing in Confinement: A 67-year-old prisoner, sentenced to death on the charge of rape, was executed on Monday morning, June 1, in Mashhad Central Prison.
Breathing in Confinement: To serve their sentences, four Christian citizens who had previously been sentenced to five years in prison, received a summon from the court, on May 28. According to the summons, for each of these citizens, the same sentences were upheld, and they must appear at the prison within five days of receiving the summons.
Breathing in Confinement: A prisoner, sentenced to death, who had previously been arrested on charges of murder, was executed on June 1, 2020, in Mashhad Central Prison.