Summoning Olduz Ghasemi to the Criminal Court in Tabriz

Category: ethnic minorities
Newsgroup: Ethnic Minorities –
Breathing in Confinement: The civil activist, Olduz Ghasemi, from Azerbaijan-Iran, has received a notice requesting her to appear in Branch 112 of the Criminal Court in Tabriz on October 18, 2021. She was arrested during the protest rallies held on July 24, 2021, in Tabriz, and was released on July 28, on a bail of 100 million Tomans, awaiting the trial.
According to Breathing in Confinement, the news organ of the Prisoners’ Rights League in Iran, the civil activist, Olduz Ghasemi, from Azerbaijan-Iran, has received a notification through the electronic system of the Judiciary (Sana), requesting her to appear in Branch 112 of the Criminal Court in Tabriz on October 18, 2021.
Based on the summon, Ms. Ghasemi has been charged with “disrupting public order, obstructing people’s business, and disturbing their comfort and security through participating in an illegal gathering.”
Ms. Ghasemi is a teacher with bachelor degree in education science who has been banned from working because of her civil activities and history of detention.