Breathing in Confinement


Arrest of Hojjat Emami, a teacher living in the County of Shahin Dezh


Category: Freedom of Expression، Prisoners

Breathing in Confinement – Hojjat Emami, an activist living in the County of Shahin Dezh, was arrested by security forces within the last few days.

Security forces arrested the activist at his home on Tuesday, January 7, after searching his home and seizing some of his personal belongings, including cell phones, laptops, and a number of books, the Voice of America reports. .

The report said that Wednesday, on January 8, Hojjat Emami announced on a short phone call to his family that he had been transferred to the Intelligence Office in Urmia and that it was unclear how long he would spend in custody.

The source also said that there was no exact information as to the reason for the arrest and the charges against him
