Breathing in Confinement


Detention of two civil activists in Kurdistan


Category: Freedom of Expression

Breathing in Confinement: Frank Jamshidi, a civil and environmental activist and a member of the Kurdistan Green Association, was arrested on Sunday, June 28,2020, at her home in Sanandaj. She was then taken to an unknown location. Security forces searched Ms. Jamshidi’s home and confiscated some of her personal belongings, including a computer, cell phone, etc.

Previously in Fall 2018, Frank Jamshidi had frequently been summoned and interrogated by the security agencies.

Also in another report, on Saturday, June 27, 2020, Afshin Sheikh al-Islami, a civil activist living in Sanandaj, was arrested by intelligence agents and was taken to an unknown location. Officers searched Mr. Sheikh al-Islami’s home for three hours.


In Fall 2018, Mr. Sheikh al-Islami was detained for a period of a month. He had been arrested on November 19, 2018, in Sanandaj and released on bail of 500 million Tomans on March 19, 2019. And after a year on March 18, 2020, he was sentenced to three months and one day in prison on charges of “propaganda against the regime.” Including the duration of his detention, the rest of his sentence, and that of four other activists, involved in the case, were pardoned due to the Corona-virus outbreak.
