Breathing in Confinement


Ali Younesi and Amirhossein Moradi, two Sharif University’s detained students, sent a message from Evin Prison on the occasion of Student’s Day


Category: Prisoners، protesters، Students


December 7, 2022

News group: protests – prisoners –

Breathing in Confinement: On the occasion of December 7, Ali Younesi and Amirhossein Moradi, two Sharif University’s imprisoned students, in a letter from Evin prison, supported the people and students’ protests.


They wrote: “Students, along with other brave and courageous youth, are the guarantee of Iran’s bright future.”


The letter also states: “We are proud to be students and we bow before these universities and students. We have learned from your courage and bravery, and we full of hope follow the news every day, admiring your persistence and tirelessness.”


The full text of their letter is as follows:


“December 7 is the Students Day, the day of those who are determined to turn the dark night of the homeland into the bright morning of freedom. In the name of those who stand side by side with the people.

They stand to write the last lines of the darkest page of Iran’s history with their own hands, to turn this page and to make a new plan.


This day and its name are reminders of the bloody suppression of the university students by the royal dictatorship, and the martyrdom of 3 students at Tehran University. It is a reminder of that day when determined students stood up for freedom.


Today, the universities on one hand show the unity of students, and on the other hand, reveal the evil nature of this criminal regime, a regime that brazenly besieges, shoots and oppresses students.


But these days, with their continuous protests, students have invalidated the analyzes of all the skeptics who thought the universities have dead. And once again, the scandals will be all those who express doubts about the future of Iran.


Students, along with other brave and courageous young people, are the guarantee of Iran’s bright future, those who want to stay and take (Iran) back.


We are proud to be students and we bow before these universities and students. The students who do not rest, no matter how much be threatened and besieged, no matter how much the security forces attack them. The students who are no longer shouting but rioting, despite being arrested, banned, suspended and threatened. Those who do not tolerate bloodshed and shout:


We swear to the blood of our friends, to stand until the end.


We are with you and our dear friends in universities all over Iran. With every news we heard, we imagined ourselves with you, and with every news about arrests, we remembered the first days of our detention. We have learned from your courage and bravery, and full of hope we follow the news every day, admiring your persistence and tirelessness.


Behind the stone walls of Evin prison we see the flares of the sun of freedom, which has risen in the heart of the darkest night of the homeland. Red sparks in the color of blood, the blood of the motherland’s best children. We stand hand in hand from the prisons to the universities and from the universities to the streets. We believe that the moment of seeing each other will come soon.


The sun rose as fire and red blood

The sun was ashamed of the blood of youth spilled on the ground

It collapsed like a tulip

Then a thousand suns blew from every blood drop!



Long live the democratic revolution of the Iranian people.


Ali Younesi and Amirhossein Moradi


December 2022


Ali Younesi and Amir Hossein Moradi are two Sharif University’s detained students, who each have been sentenced to 16 years of imprisonment and are currently being held in Evin Prison.

