Breathing in Confinement


In a new verdict, eight political prisoners were sentenced to imprisonment and flogging 


Category: Prisoners

August 30, 2022

Newsgroup: Prisoners –

Breathing in Confinement: On August 29, 2022, eight political prisoners imprisoned in Evin prison were tried by Branch 101 of the General Court of Fashafoyeh district in Tehran and each were sentenced to 11 months and 15 days of imprisonment as well as 50 lashes. On October 8, 2021, these eight prisoners were attacked and beaten by violent prisoners in the 2nd Brigade of the Greater Tehran Prison.


According to “Breathing in Confinement”, the news organ of the Prisoners’ Rights League in Iran, Shapour Ehsanirad, Ismail Gerami, Pooya Ghobadi, Akbar Bagheri, Akbar Faraji, Dawood Abdullahi, Alireza Farshi and Shahab Soltanian are the political prisoners in Evin prison who have recently faced a new conviction.

The sentences have been issued by Branch 101 of the General Court of Tehran Prison which has sentenced each of these eight prisoners to 11 months and 15 days of imprisonment as well as 50 lashes.


Security agents and the judicial system, especially the officials of the prisons organization, organizing attacks by violent prisoners aim to kill political prisoners, or to open new cases against them through such scenarios, and therefore, prevent their release at the completion of their sentences.

