After completing his leave period, Abbas Lesani returns to Ardabil Central Prison

Category: Uncategorized
Newsgroup: Ethnic Minorities – Prisoners –
Breathing in Confinement: Yesterday, September 4, 2021, at the end of his leave period, Abbas Lesani, a political prisoner and activist from Azerbaijan Province, returned to Evin Prison. He was previously sent on sick leave from Ardabil prison on Monday, August 30.
According to Breathing in Confinement, the news organ of the Prisoners’ Rights League in Iran, the political prisoner Abbas Lesani returned to Ardabil Prison on Saturday, September 4, after completing his leave period.
On Monday, August 30, because of his poor physical condition, he was sent on sick leave from Ardabil Prison on a bail of 800 million Tomans.
Abbas Lesani was arrested and was transferred to Ardabil Prison on January 15, 2019, after appearing in Branch 2 of the Revolutionary Court in Tabriz.
Mr. Lesani was sentenced by Branch 1 of the Revolutionary Court in Ardabil to eight years in prison as well as two years in exile in Yazd on charge of “forming a group with the intent of disrupting the national security.” In October 2019, his prison sentence was increased to 15 years by the Court of Appeal in Ardabil Province.
Mr. Lesani’s appeal in Supreme Court was also rejected in July 2020. Therefore, by applying Article 134 of the Islamic Penal Code, the most severe punishment, i.e., 10 years of imprisonment is enforceable on him.
In another case In May 2019, Mr. Lesani had been sentenced to 10 months in prison by Branch 26 of the Court of Appeals in East Azarbaijan on charge of “propaganda activities against the regime and in support of opposition groups.”