Execution of a prisoner in Qom

Category: executions
Breathing in Confinement, December 20, 2020: A prisoner sentenced to death on charge of rape, was executed in Qom Prison on December 17, 2020.
According to Breathing in Confinement, the news organ of the Prisoners’ Rights League in Iran, after a questionable trial, a prisoner named “Shahab Javid,” who had been in prison for more than ten years, was executed in Qom Central Prison, on December 17, 2020.
“Shahab was 37 years old and had been detained for ten years. He had never admitted the charges against him and repeatedly wrote to the judges that he had no role in the case. He frequently went to the gallows and was returned back to the prison. Even once the victim’s family was about to consent, but the process was stopped. Shahab was denied a fair trial and no one listened to his defense, and he was finally executed on December 17th,” said one of his relatives to the reporter of Breathing in Confinement.
According to the Statistics Center of the Prisoners’ Rights League in Iran, over the last one year, the Iranian government has executed at least 270 prisoners. None of these execution sentences was issued after a fair trial.