Breathing in Confinement


Execution of a prisoner in Qom; Hamid Gharelar, who had asked for help, was executed


Category: executions


September 1, 2022
Newsgroup: Execution –

Breathing in Confinement: At dawn on Thursday, September 1, 2022, at least one prisoner sentenced to death for “murder” was executed in Qom prison.

According to “Breathing in Confinement”, the news organ of the Prisoners’ Rights League in Iran, at dawn on Thursday, September 1, 2022, a prisoner named Hamid Qarelar was executed in Qom prison.

Hamid Qarelar had been sentenced to death for “murder”. Earlier, in a video from Qom prison he had asked for help to save his brother’s life and that of other prisoners in death row . His brother Ali Qarelar was executed on August 15 in Qom prison.

Hamid Qarelar had been arrested three years ago on charge of murder. Despite the people assembly and their requests from the victim’s family to pardon Mr Qarelar, he was hanged in Qom prison after the victim’s parents  refused to pardon him .

According to the latest report of the statistics center of the Prisoners’ Rights League in Iran, at least 516 executions have been carried out during the first year of the presidency of Ebrahim Raisi in Iran, of which only 39 executions have been announced by the state media.



