Breathing in Confinement


The Number of Executions in the Past Week Rose to 26


Category: executions

Breathing in Confinement – By the execution of 10 prisoners in Birjand and Rasht, the number of death sentences in the past week rose up to 26.

Official and unofficial sources have announced the execution of 3 prisoners in Rasht and 7 others in Birjand.

HRANA News Agency has reported on 17th April 2016, that the death penalty sentences of 5 men and 2 women have been implemented in central prison of Birjand, on 14th April.

These prisoners had been charged with drug trafficking and the identity of two of them was announced as Mohammad Niazi from Golestan province and Moheb Rahmati.

Judiciary in Gilan Province also announced the execution of three prisoners at the central prison of Rasht.

According to this report, “A. M.” was charged with keeping 632 grams of heroin, “D.A.” and “the F. W.” also were charged with murder, and they were hanged on 16th April, in this prison.

It is noteworthy that since 9th April 2016, 16 prisoners, including one woman, were hanged in different prisons in Iran, and counting the recent ones, the number of executions just in the past week rose to 26.
