Breathing in Confinement


Commemoration of the martyrs of November uprising at Political Women Ward in Evin Prison


Category: Prisoners، Women

Breathing in Confinement – On Saturday, December 21, 2019, women political prisoners in Evin Prison turned celebration Yalda night into a commemoration ceremony for the martyrs of the November uprising.

According to Breathing in Confinement, the news organ of Prisoners’ Rights League in Iran, the ceremony began with a group anthem singing followed by recitation of some verses from Koran. Then some of the prisoners gave speeches and read poems. The prisoners from religious minorities also prayed for the martyrs.  The ceremony ended with gathering in the ward’s corridor and mass anthem singing.

In addition, yesterday, following a prisoner’s sit-in at the ward office, Ziai, the director of Evin Prison, cut off the ward’s phones. An act that provoked the inmates’ protest as gathering and singing in the ward’s corridor. Ziai presented in the women’s ward threatening to ban them from walking in the prison yard. In response, women prisoners chanted: “Political prisoner must be freed / tyrants must be destroyed “. Their reaction forced Ziai to withdraw from his decision and to reconnect the phones which had been cut off for an hour.

Needs to be reminded that on Saturday, December 21, the political women of Evin Prison, in a statement released by ” Breathing in Confinement ” announced that they would turn Yalda’s night into a commemoration of the martyrs of the November uprising.
