Breathing in Confinement


Early release of the political prisoner, Neda Naji


Category: Prisoners، Women

Breathing in Confinement: The political prisoner Neda Naji, who had been on leave since February 27, 2019, was notified of her early release.

“Earlier today, we went to Sentence Implementation Office in Evin Prison to ask on Neda’s condition. And it turned out that according to the judiciary circular on March 17, Neda, having served a third of her sentence, is no longer supposed to go back to the prison,” Jamal Ameli, Neda Naji’s husband wrote on his personal Twitter page.

Neda Naji, had been arrested in May 2019, during the Labor Day rally in front of the parliament. And after 300 days of temporary detention, she was sentenced to 5.5 years in prison in Branch 28 of the Revolutionary Court Presided over by Mohammad Moghisehei. Her sentence however, was later reduced to 30 months in jail.
