Breathing in Confinement


Hearing at Azerbaijan criminal court for the civil activists Nader Sadeghian and Shahin Barzegar


Category: Prisoners

Newsgroup: Prisoners –

Breathing in Confinement: On November 1, 2021, a hearing on the charges against Nader Sadeghian and Shahin Barzegar, the civil activists from Azerbaijan Province, was held in Branch 111 of the Criminal Court of East Azerbaijan, chaired by Judge Reza Foroughi.


According to “Breathing in Confinement”, the news organ of the Prisoners’ Rights League in Iran, on November 1, at 9:00 AM, a hearing on the case of the civil activist Shahin Barzegar, was held in Branch 111 of the Criminal Court of East Azerbaijan Province presided over by Judge Reza Foroughi, on charges of “inciting and inviting people to commit acts of violence through social media.”

On July 22, 2021, the agents of Ministry of Intelligence without presenting a court order arrested Shahin Barzegar and transferred him to the Detention Center of the Ministry of Intelligence in Tabriz.

Mr. Barzegar went on a hunger and thirst strike in the first three days of his detention to protest his illegal arrest. On the second and third days, he fainted because of extreme weakness and was transferred to the infirmary of the Ministry of Intelligence.

When his interrogations completed, he was transferred to Tabriz Central Prison from where after three days, he was released on bail of 60 million Tomans awaiting the trial.

Shahin Barzegar holds a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering and is a law student.


On July 22, 2021, in addition to Mr. Barzegar, a court hearing was also held on the charges against Nader Sadeghian  at 1100 am in Branch 111 of the Criminal Court of East Azerbaijan Province, chaired by Judge Reza Foroughi. Mr. Sadeghian is one of the civil activists arrested during a rally in Tabriz in support of the protests of the people of Khuzestan.

Nader Sadeghian is a civil activist from Azerbaijan-Iran, living in Tabriz. On July 25, 2021, the agents of the Ministry of Intelligence arrested him at his workplace without presenting a court warrant. He was then transferred to the Intelligence Detention Center in Tabriz. After interrogation, he was transferred to Tabriz Central Prison on August 11, to be released after three days on bail of 60 million Tomans awaiting the trial.

