Breathing in Confinement


Davood Rahmani, the main perpetrator of inhumane torture against political prisoners in Ghezel Hesar prison in Karaj dies at a hospital


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Breathing in Confinement: On October 20, 2021, Davood Rahmani, the former director of Ghezel Hesar Prison in Karaj, died at a hospital. Rahmani was the main perpetrator of the most inhumane torture methods against political prisoners.


According to Breathing in Confinement, the news organ of the Prisoners’ Rights League in Iran, Davood Rahmani, the former head of Ghezel Hesar Prison in Karaj, died at a hospital. He was the main perpetrator of inhumane torture methods such as “coffins”, “cages” and “Residential units” against political prisoners, and in particular female political prisoners. After the 1979 revolution until 1984, Rahmani was the director of Ghezel Hesar Prison. He was the inventor of the most inhumane types of torture against women political prisoners. Torture methods such as “Residential units” in which the brutality used is indescribable.


A handful of prisoners who rescued from the “Residential units” said of the time: “The “Residential units” were set up to crush the resistant female prisoners both mentally and physically. The prisoners and the torturers lived in the same place, and the torturers were always there.”

“The following were common torture methods used in the “Residential units”: Prisoners had to sit blindfolded against the wall for hours, witnessing the other inmates being tortured, being forced to make animal noises or writing sexual insults against themselves and read them out loudly and repeatedly, being beaten with cables, being raped in front of the other prisoners and…. All of these inhumane acts were done in order to break the prisoners’ mind and will, hoping that they themselves would become a torturer, ” added former political prisoners.


Those who had experienced “grave or coffin” said that: “Prisoners were kept for a long period of time in so-called cells made of two boards measuring approximately 150 x 60 cm and 70 cm high, where one could only sit in. Prisoners were not even allowed to lie down during the day, and if they made the slightest move, the Guards would torture and beat them with a cable. Prisoners were always blindfolded. If while eating, a spoon would inadvertently hit the plate making a noise, the prisoner would be tortured for trying to contact the one in the next box.”


Davood Rahmani died on October 20, 2021, without being tried in a just court and receive the punishment he deserved.

