The tenth day of the uprisings in Khuzestan against the water crisis; Complementary report on the protest gatherings in Tabriz

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Breathing in Confinement: On the tenth day of the protests in Khuzestan against the water shortage crisis, internet services were cut off across the province. However, despite widespread repression, reports indicate that protest rallies continued in Susangerd, Shadegan, Izeh, and some areas in Ahvaz.
In addition, on Saturday, July 24, 2021, the people of Tabriz rallied in support of the uprisings in Khuzestan. Despite the widespread presence of plainclothes agents and special guards, protest rallies took place in several areas in Tabriz. Furthermore, in Bojnourd, people held protest gathering against the repressions in Khuzestan.
According to Breathing in Confinement, the news organ of the Prisoners’ Rights League in Iran, yesterday, July 24, 2021, people in Tabriz held protest rallies in support of the uprisings in Khuzestan.
Reports received from local sources refer to the heavy presence of counterinsurgency forces in various parts of Tabriz. “The rallies took place in several areas, including the Rasteh Kucheh (prayer square), Saat Square, North Shahnaz and Valieasr. However, most of the protesters gathered in front of the Finance Department. Plainclothes agents prevented people from gathering, and shopkeepers quickly closed their shops. After a while however, the crowd gathered in Rasteh Kucheh,” said an informed source to the reporter of Breathing in Confinement.
“As soon as the crowd gathered in Shahnaz Street, the young protesters got out of their cars and joined the people, and a rally took place,” the source added.
People chanted slogan such as: “Khuzestan is thirsty, dictator respond!”, “Death to Khamenei”, “Azerbaijan and Ahvaz! Solidarity solitarily”. “I am neither a supporter of the king nor a supporter of the mullahs, I am a supporter of my people.”
During the rally, several protesters, including: Olduz Ghasemi, Mohammad Mahmoudi, Davood Rahimi and Samad Lavandi, were arrested and taken to an unknown location. In addition, over the last few days, Shahin Barzegar, Amir Sattari, Vahid Abhari and Mojtaba Abdoli have been arrested by security forces.
People of Bojnourd also rallied in support of the uprisings in Khuzestan.
Earlier today, the commander of the Revolutionary Guards Corps, who has traveled to Khuzestan, announced the continuation of the presence of IRGC forces in Khuzestan allegedly to solve the problem of water shortage.
The uprisings of the people of Khuzestan started on Thursday, July 15, 2021 in protest against water crisis, and rapidly spread to at least 10 provinces and 38 cities in the country. Widespread repression and disruption of the Internet also provoked protests from various groups of people, including artists, actors, and athletes.
In addition, Amnesty International issued a statement condemning the widespread repression by security forces and their use of “live ammunition and birdshot to crush Khuzestan protests.”
“Breathing in Confinement” has published daily reports on the uprisings in Khuzestan.