Breathing in Confinement


Kerman Prison; َA Baloch Female Prisoner Transferred to Solitary Confinement for Execution


Category: ethnic minorities، executions، Women


November 14, 2023

News Group: Execution – Ethnic Minorities – Women –

Breathing in Confinement: On November 13th, a Baloch female prisoner, previously sentenced to death on drug related charges, was transferred to solitary confinement in Kerman Prison for the execution of her death sentence.

According to “Breathing in Confinement,” the news organ of the Prisoners’ Rights League in Iran, on Novemebr 13th, a female prisoner was transferred to solitary confinement in Kerman Prison for the execution of her death sentence.

This prisoner from Saravan has been identified as “Zarkhatun Mazarzehi.” She is mother of a daughter and her husband has passed away.

Ms. Mazarzehi was detained on December 30, 2017, at the “Ghal’eh Zangi” checkpoint in Kerman Province while she intended to travel to Shiraz by bus and was arrested by military forces.

It is worth mentioning that Ms. Mazarzehi said in her court statements that the discovered drugs on the bus did not belong to her. However, the court, ignoring her defence, sentenced her to death.

Mrs. Mazarzehi was denied the right to counsel during the trial.

