Breathing in Confinement – On Sunday, November 24, 2019, a prisoner was executed at Birjand prison. According to Baloch Activists Campaign, on Sunday morning, November 24, 2019, a death sentence was carried out at the prison of Birjand in South Khorasan Province. This prisoner who had been sentenced to death on charges of “drug […]
Breathing in Confinement – Hassan Abbasi, a member of the Association of Iranian Journalists in Tehran Province, was arrested on Tuesday in Hormozgan.
Breathing in Confinement- Having a heart attack while carrying heavy items, a Kulbar (workers who carry goods across the borders on their back) died on Tuesday, November 26.
Breathing in Confinement – Death sentences of three prisoners accused of murder were carried out at Adelabad Prison in Shiraz and Bandar Abbas Prison.
Breathing in Confinement – With escalating the Iranian’s nationwide protests, the Islamic Republic authorities have tried to crack down the protesters by blocking the Internet and preventing the news and images to be spread. Despite the heavy censorship, the news received from Iran, reveal that the protests are ongoing. The intervention of security forces and […]
Breathing in Confinement- Nationwide protests against the rise in gas price which was started on Saturday morning November 15, 2019, are still ongoing. After the intervention of Special Troops and Security Forces, however, a large number of people were killed, injured or detained. Since November 15, concomitant with the start of protests, the authorities of […]
Breathing in Confinement- on Thursday, November 21, Saeed Sangar and Kamal Hassan Ramadan, two political prisoners at Urmia Prison, were transferred to an unknown location.
Breathing in Confinement – On November 17, a prisoner accused of murder was executed in Mashhad prison.
Breathing in Confinement – Soha Mortezaie, a master’s degree graduate, was arrested in the student dormitory along with two other students. According to IRNA, Soha Mortezaie, the previous secretary of the Central Student Council of Tehran University Students, was arrested on Sunday, November 17, 2019. Over the last 21 days, in protest against being deprived […]
Breathing in Confinement – Sepideh Gholian was arrested on Saturday, November 16, 2019, when security forces stormed her father’s home in Dezful taking her to an unknown location. Breathing in Confinement, news organ of the Prisoners’ Rights League in Iran, quoting the Campaign to Defend Haft Tappeh Detainees, reported: Sepideh Gholian has been arrested by […]