Breathing in Confinement

December 26th, 2014

Alireza Rasooli on Day 48 of Hunger Strike

Breathing in Confinement – Alireza Rasooli, political prisoner in Central Prison of Uremia, has been on hunger strike for 48 days, so far. According to the report of “Breathing in Confinement”, Alireza Rasooli, went on hunger strike since 9th November 2014 to protest against the lack of treatment for his illness and remains in serious […]

December 25th, 2014

Hunger Strike at Uremia Prison Ends Successfully after 33 Days

Breathing in Confinement – Political prisoners of Central Prison of Uremia, finished their hunger strike as the prison officials agreed with their demands. According to the report of “Breathing in Confinement”, on 21st December, officials of the Central Prison of Uremia went to ward 12 and agreed with the prisoners’ demands and then political prisoners […]

December 24th, 2014

5 Prisoners Including a Woman Were Hanged in Tabriz

Breathing in Confinement – Execution sentences of 5 individuals were implemented at Central Prison of Tabriz. According to the report of “Breathing in Confinement”; 5 prisoners in the Central Prison of Tabriz were executed by hanging in the prison yard at dawn on Wednesday, 17th December.

December 23rd, 2014

2 Hunger Strikers at Uremia Prison Suffer from Stomach Bleeding

Breathing in Confinement- Hunger strike by political prisoners at Central Prison of Uremia is on its thirty third day. According to the report of “Breathing in Confinement”; political prisoners of ward 12 in Central Prison of Uremia just passed their 32nd day of their hunger strike while in early morning of 21st December, two of […]

December 22nd, 2014

Masoud Shamsnezhad on Day 14 of Hunger Strike

Breathing in Confinement – Masoud Shamsnezhad, imprisoned lawyer in Uremiaprison, has been on hunger strike for 14 days so far. According to the report of “Breathing in Confinement”, this lawyer who is currently being held in workers ward of Uremia Central Prison, has gone on hunger strike since Tuesday 9th December.

December 21st, 2014

A Civil Rights’ Activist Arrested in Tehran

Breathing in Confinement – Ali (Amir) Amirgholi, civil rights’ activist, has been detained since 20 days ago by the Security Forces. According to the report of “Breathing in Confinement”; at miidnight on 1st December, security officers went to his father’s house and arrested him.

December 20th, 2014

Hunger Strikers at Uremia Prison threatened Once Again

Breathing in Confinement – Manager of Central Prison of Uremia has attended ward 12 in this prison and has threatened political prisoners that if they do not end their hunger strike they will face a strong backlash. According to the report of “Breathing in Confinement,” On 18th December, Mr. Alavi, Manager of Central Prison of […]

December 20th, 2014

Officers Prevent 2 Sunni Prisoners from Receiving Medical Treatment

Breathing in Confinement – Two Sunni prisoners of conscience in Iran who had been transferred to hospital on Tuesday after a deterioration in their condition were prevented from receiving medical treatment by officers in charge of their case. According to the report of “Breathing in Confinement”; Jamshed Dehghani and Ghasem Abesteh were transferred from Rajai […]

December 18th, 2014

Khezer Rasoul Morovat Suffers from Stomach Bleeding Because of Hunger Strike

Breathing in Confinement – A political prisoner on hunger strike in Uremia prison had got stomach bleeding and was transferred to the prison infirmary. According to the report of “Breathing in Confinement”; on 15th December, in twenty-sixth day of hunger strike in prison of Uremia, Khezer Rasoul Morovat, vomited blood and was transferred to prison […]

December 17th, 2014

Amnesty International Warns about Threats against Political Prisoners at Uremia Prison

Breathing in Confinement – The Iranian authorities’ threat to expedite the execution of 10 men on death row in retaliation for going on hunger strike is deplorable, said Amnesty International as it called for the death sentences to be commuted immediately. One of the 10, Saman Naseem, was sentenced to death in 2013 for engaging […]