Breathing in Confinement

December 17th, 2014

Intelligence Agents Threatened Mohammad Abdullahi of Being Executed

Breathing in Confinement – Intelligence Ministry interrogators in Uremia prison threatened Mohammad Abdullahi, political prisoner that his death sentence will be implemented if he does not end his hunger strike. According to the report of “Breathing in Confinement”, on 15th December, Mohammad Abdullahi who has been 26 days on hunger strike along with other political […]

December 16th, 2014

Intelligence Agents Threatened Saman Nasim of Being Executed

Breathing in Confinement – Ministry of Intelligence agents threatened Saman Nasim, political prisoner of Uremia prison that if he does not end hunger strike, his death sentence will be carried out. According to the report of “Breathing in Confinement”, intelligence service in the city of Marivan on Wednesday, 10th December, summoned Saman Nasim’s brother in […]

December 14th, 2014

One of the Hunger Strikers at Uremia Prison Threatened to Death by Prison Officer

Breathing in Confinement – Ali Afshari, a political prisoner in the central prison of Urema in the twenty-first day of his hunger strike was transferred to hospital and was threatened to death by the officer who accompanied him in the hospital. According to the report of “Breathing in a Confinement”, Ali Afshari was transferred to […]

December 10th, 2014

Vahid Asgahri sentenced to 18 years in prison

Breathing in Confinement – After nearly seven years of detention and uncertainty, Vahid Asghari has been sentenced to 18 years in prison. According to the report of “Breathing in a Confinement”, the student of informatics who is imprisoned in Rajai Shahr prison, was notified of his sentence on 7th December, last Sunday evening, by Branch […]

December 10th, 2014

Day 17 of hunger strike at Uremia Prison

Breathing in Confinement – Four political prisoners of ward 12 in the central prison of Uremia in the seventeenth day of hunger strike were transferred to the prison hospital. According to the report of “Breathing in a Confinement”, Ali Reza Rasouli, Shirko Hasanpoor, Sirvan Nezhavi and Abdullah Hamoudi, on 7th of December were transferred to […]

December 7th, 2014

4 students of Tabriz University suspended from studying

Breathing in Confinement – Four students of Tabriz University have been suspended from education by the disciplinary committee of the University. According to the report of “Breathing in Confinement”, four students of Tabriz University have been suspended from education for 1 to 2 semesters by the disciplinary committee for “setting up an illegal gathering”.

December 6th, 2014

Hunger Strike at Uremia Prison goes on after 15 days

Breathing in Confinement – This is more than fifteen days that Prisoners of Uremia prison are on hunger strike. According to the report of “Breathing in Confinement”; prisoners of ward 12 at the Central Prison of Uremia continue their hunger strike while all of them are suffering from low blood pressure and general weakness during […]

December 6th, 2014

A young man shot by Police in Tabriz and wounded severely

Breathing in Confinement – A young man was wounded by the shot of a police officer in Tabriz and was taken to hospital. According to the report of “Breathing in Confinement”; at 9 p.m. on 4th December, police officers in the region of Tabriz Train Station gave a freeze order to a young man because […]

December 5th, 2014

Behnam Ebrahimzadeh transferred to ward 1 of Rajai Shahr Prison

Breathing in Confinement – Behnam Ebrahimzadeh, labour activist imprisoned in Rajai Shahr prison, in Karaj, was transferred to ward 1 of that prison. According to the report of “Breathing in Confinement”, this member of Committee for following the establishment of independent labour organizations had been transferred to the court on 4th December and after the […]

December 4th, 2014

18 prisoners hanged in 3 different prisons in 1 day

Breathing in Confinement – 3 prisoners in the Central Prison of Bandar Abbas, and 11 prisoners in Ghezelhesar, Karaj prison, were executed by the gallows on December 3rd. Accourding to a report by HRANA, Ali Akbar Nooreddini, Alireza Ghorbani and Hossein Shahoo zehi were executed due to drug-related charges at the Central Prison of Bandar […]