Breathing in Confinement, November 27, 2020: A Baloch citizen was killed by border guards in the city of Hirmand. According to the Baloch Activists Campaign, on Monday, November 23, 2020, a Baloch citizen named “Mahdi Alizehi” from the village of Saeed Abad in the city of Hirmand, was shot to death […]
Breathing in Confinement, November 26, 2020: In reaction to the transfer of Ahmad Reza Jalali, an Iranian-Swedish physician, and crisis management researcher, to solitary confinement, Amnesty International called for his death sentence to be immediately halted.
Breathing in Confinement, November 26, 2020: Two Kulbars were shot and wounded by police in the Nosud border area.
Breathing in Confinement, November 26, 2020: A young woman who had been awaiting execution on a charge of murder, was saved from the death penalty after obtaining the consent victim’s family.
Breathing in Confinement, November 25, 2020: On Wednesday, November 25, after an inmate caught himself on fire, hundreds of prisoners rioted in front of the guardian office in Urmia Prison. Soon after that, Special Forces entered the prison and beat the prisoners.
Breathing in Confinement: After obtaining the consent of the victim’s families, two prisoners in Zahedan and Karaj prisons, sentenced to death on murder charges, saved from execution.
Breathing in Confinement, November 24, 2020: Ahmad Reza Jalali, a physician, university researcher and a dual-national prisoner sentenced to death, announced on a phone call on Tuesday, November 24, 2020, that he had been transferred to solitary confinement to serve his death sentence.
Breathing in Confinement November 24, 2020: Despite a 70% rupture of his right eardrum, and while suffering from severe ear pain and infection, Saeed Eghbali, a political prisoner in Evin, has been deprived of medical care. According to Breathing in Confinement, the news organ of the Prisoners’ Rights League in Iran, despite the […]
Breathing in Confinement, November 24, 2020: Elham Samimi, a student at the University of Tehran, was arrested by security forces. According to the news channel of Iranian students’ union council, on Tuesday, November 24, 2020, Elham Samimi, an anthropology student at the University of Tehran, was arrested by security forces. According to […]
Breathing in Confinement, November 24, 2020: A 22-year-old worker at Golchin Manjil Olive Oil Factory, while cleaning the olive press machine, was dragged to the machine and lost his life.