Breathing in Confinement


Arrested Azerbaijani activists on hunger strike


Category: ethnic minorities

Breathing in Confinement – The Azerbaijani activists who were arrested at Sabalan hillside have gone on hunger strike after being transferred to prison of Meshkin Shahr.

According to the report of “Breathing in Confinement”, the activists have been transferred to different sections of prison of Meshkin Shahr on August 16th.

All of them have gone on hunger strike since August 17th in protest at being illegally arrested and also 10 million Thomans bail which has been asked in return to them being released.

They have announced that they are not going to put bail.

They have been charged with spreading propaganda against the regime.

Rahim Gholami, Aydin Zakeri, Meysam Jolani, Jafar Rostami Rad, Said Hosseini, Hamid Ghovati, Habib Negahban, Isa Azizi, Hasan Jolani and Reza Ghomi have been arrested on August 15th while they were on their way to Sabalan.
