Breathing in Confinement


A Prisoner Executed in Tabriz Prison


Category: executions

April 24, 2024
News Group: Execution –

Breathing in Confinement: On Thursday, April 18, a prisoner who had previously been sentenced to death for the charge of “murder” was hanged in Tabriz prison.

According to “Breathing in Confinement,” the news organ of the Prisoners’ Rights League in Iran, a prisoner was executed r in Tabriz prison.

The identity of this prisoner, confirmed by “Breathing in Confinement,” is Seyyed Amin Mousavi Bakhshayesh. He was approximately 25 years old and had a young child.

According to an informed source, this prisoner was involved in an altercation resulting in the death of one person, and his interrogation and trial were conducted without legal representation.

As per the annual report of the Prisoners’ Rights League in Iran, at least 848 citizens were executed last year, including 7 in public.

