Breathing in Confinement


A prisoner in Tehran saved from the execution


Category: executions

Breathing in Confinement – A prisoner convicted of murder was saved from execution in Tehran.

According to Rokna, a prisoner sentenced to death, being pardoned by the victim’s relatives, was saved from execution in Tehran.

Based on this report, in September 2014, Ahmad- a man with two wives, was accused of killing his first wife during a family scuffle.

The victim’s father requested a death sentence for him from the court, though Ahmad denied having been involved in the murder.  On behalf of the victim’s little daughter, the first deputy of the judiciary demanded blood money.  The proceeding lasted a long time, however, and the victim’s daughter reached the age of 11. Therefore, the deputy asked for the victim’s daughter’s decision on her father’s sentence, to be asked again.

She also demanded the death sentence for her father, so the judges sentenced Ahmad to death.

While the verdict was awaiting the Supreme Court’s review, the defendant managed to obtain the consent of the victim’s family and returned to life.
