One of the three under execution sentence prisoners in Tehran, saved from death penalty

Category: executions
Breathing in Confinement, December 6, 2020: Among the three prisoners who since 2013, have been under execution sentence on charge of killing a man named Ramin, one escaped the death penalty with the consent of victim’s family.
According to Hamshahri Online, three men named Mehran, Siamak and Saeed, have been sentenced to death since 2013, on charge of killing an engineer named Ramin. However, Siamak was pardoned and returned to life because the victim’s family believed that he had not played a significant role in the murder.
“My family and I did a lot of investigations on the case of Ramin’s death and came to the conclusion that Siamak did not have much involvement in Ramin’s murder,” said one of the victim’s relatives.
Needs to be mentioned that none of the three defendants pleaded guilty in the case.