Breathing in Confinement


Ongoing pressure on teachers and their detention; Ali Haji was temporarily released and Latif Rozikhah was transferred to Jolfa Prison


Category: Teachers


Newsgroups: Repression – Teachers –

Breathing in Confinement: In line with the ongoing pressure on teachers and their repression, Ali Haji and Latif Rozikhah, the two Teachers’ Union activists in Jolfa, and members of the Board of Directors of the East Azerbaijan Teachers’ Union were arrested on May 1, during the teachers’ rally. Ali Haji was temporarily released on May 2, but Latif Rozikhah was transferred to Jolfa Prison.


According to “Breathing in Confinement”, the news organ of the Prisoners’ Rights League in Iran, on May 1, 2022, concurrently with the teachers’ nationwide rallies, Ali Haji and Latif Rozikhah, the two Teachers’ Union activists in Jolfa, and members of the Board of Directors of the East Azerbaijan Teachers’ Union were detained by security forces. Mr. Haji was released a day later on May 2, but Latif Rozikhah was transferred to Jolfa Prison.


It is noteworthy that yesterday, May 1, 2022, in order to pursue their demands and in response to the Coordinating Council of Teachers’ Unions’ call, teachers across the country gathered in front of the Education Department Buildings in various provinces and cities. The gatherings, however, were attacked by security forces and many teachers were arrested in various cities.


Yesterday, the “Breath in Cage” published a report on the arrest of 23 teachers during their nationwide rallies.

