Breathing in Confinement


On Tuesday, at least 29 gatherings, protests, and demonstrations were held


Category: Uncategorized

August 21, 2024
News Group: Protests – Retirees – Women – Prisoners – Workers and Guilds –

Breathing in Confinement: On Tuesday, August 20, 2024, at least 29 gatherings and protest movements were held in various cities across the country.
According to the Statistics Center of the Prisoners’ Rights League in Iran, “Breathing in Confinement,” on Tuesday, August 20, 2024, nurses from Imam Reza, Shariati, Ibn Sina, Hashemi Nejad, Adalatian hospitals, and midwifery experts in Mashhad, nurses at hospitals at the entrance to the Central Headquarters of Hamedan University, nurses at 22 Bahman Hospital, nurses and staff from the 115 Emergency Department in Neishabur, nurses at Taleghani Hospital in Abadan, and nurses at Peymanieh Hospital in Jahrom continued their strikes and protests regarding the neglect of their demands.
The nurses’ strike continues nationwide, protesting the meager overtime pay and other welfare benefits, low wages, difficult work conditions, and excessive work shifts. The striking nurses demand a revision of the nursing service tariff formula, the implementation of “special payments”, and the abolition of mandatory overtime. In some hospitals, the nurses’ protests took the form of marches. Security officers at Imam Reza Hospital attacked the protesters, but the nurses resisted and continued their protests. The nurses chanted: “Don’t think it’s just for today, we’ll be here every day / Nurses, shout out, demand your rights / Both Shiraz and Mashhad, strike, strike.”

In the 30th week of “Tuesday Protests Against the Death Penalty,” political prisoners in the women’s ward, Ward 4, Ward 6, and Ward 8 of Evin Prison, political prisoners in Ghezel Hesar Prison (Unit 3, Unit 4), political prisoners in Karaj Central Prison, and political prisoners in the prisons of Khorramabad, Naqadeh, Mashhad, Saqqez, Khoy, Ardabil, Qaemshahr, Urmia, Marivan, Kamyaran, Baneh, Salmas, Shiraz, Rasht, and female political prisoners in Tabriz Prison continued their Tuesday hunger strikes in protest against the death penalty.
Investors of Rezayat Khodro Taravat Novin Company in Qazvin held a march in protest of their unmet demands; security forces attacked the protesters, and the demonstrators responded by chanting “shame on you! Shame on you!!”

Retirees of the Social Security Organization in Kermanshah gathered in front of the city’s Social Security office to protest poor living conditions, poverty, inflation, and high prices, demanding an increase in pensions, welfare services, and free medical care.
The retirees, while supporting the nurses’ protests, chanted: “Unity, unity against poverty and corruption / The imprisoned teacher must be freed / We support the nurses / The nurses are awake, they despise discrimination / Improving the nurses’ living conditions is equivalent to saving patients’ lives / Nurses’ servitude costs patients’ lives / They claim to be Muslim, but their actions are theft and plunder.”

Ariankhodro voucher holders gathered in front of the Ministry of Industry, Mine, and Trade in Tehran to protest the 245 million Toman price increase by Arian Motor Company without authorization.

Employees of the South Pars refineries, employees of the South Pars Gas Complex, workers at the third, fifth, seventh, ninth, tenth, and twelfth refineries of the South Pars Gas Complex in Asaluyeh held protest gatherings, demanding the elimination of the maximum wage cap, correction of the minimum wage, removal of the limitation in seniority pay, full implementation of Article 10 of the Oil Law, and fulfillment of other demands.

