Breathing in Confinement


Shahriar Court summons Nine Baha’i citizens from the cities of Karaj and Andisheh


Category: Uncategorized

April 8, 2021
Newsgroup: Prisoners –
Breathing in Confinement: On Tuesday, April 7, 2021, nine Baha’i citizens from the cities of Andisheh and Karaj were summoned to serve their sentences.
According to “Breathing in Confinement”, the news organ of the Prisoners’ Rights League in Iran, on Tuesday, April 7, through court notifications and in order to serve their sentences, Hooman Khoshnam, Elham Salmanzadeh, Payam Shabani, Kianoosh Salmanzadeh, Soroush Agahi, Parvan Maanavi, Jamileh Pakrou, Peyman Maanavi and Neda Shabani were requested to appear in the Public and Revolutionary Prosecutor’s Office of the City of Shahriar within 5 days from the date of receiving the notifications.
In August 2019, in the court of first instance, each of these Baha’i citizens was sentenced to one year in prison  for “propaganda activities against the regime through promoting Baha’i Faith.”
Later in January 2020, their sentences were upheld by Tehran Court of Appeals .
These citizens had been arrested by security forces in the Cities of Andisheh and Karaj, between September and December 2018 and were released a few months later on bail.

