Breathing in Confinement


To obtain his last defense , Evin Court summons Kamyar Fakoor


Category: Uncategorized


Newsgroup: Freedom of Expression – Prisoners –

Breathing in Confinement: The labor activist Kamyar Fakoor, was summoned to Branch 2 of the Evin Prosecutor’s Office to present his final defense. He has to appear in branch 2, within 10 days of receiving the summon.


According to Breathing in Confinement, the news organ of the Prisoners’ Rights League in Iran, the labor activist, Kamyar Fakoor was summoned to Evin Court.


Announcing the news, Mr. Fakoor wrote on his personal page: “Tomorrow I will go to the Evin court to present my last defense against three charges: “Disrupting public order through participating in illegal rallies, propaganda against the regime and spreading lies with the intention of disturbing the public mind.”


Kamyar Fakoor was arrested by security forces on Sunday, March 7, 2021, during a rally held by workers, teachers, and retirees in front of the Ministry of Labor. On March 17, he was released from Evin Prison on bail of 200 million Tomans as well as a bond of 100 million Tomans awaiting the court’s decision.


Explaining the situation Mr. Fakoor wrote: “The initial attributed charge was disturbing the public order through participating in illegal gatherings, for which I was fined 100 million tomans. The accusation included attending a rally in support of Haft Tappeh workers, demanding dispossession of the company’s corrupt employer in front of the Ministry of Justice, as well as assembling to demand a pay rise for workers at the time when decision on wages was being made. The assembly was to be held in front of the Ministry of Labor, though security forces prevented it from being formed.

After a round of interrogation, when I insisted on my legal right to remain silent in the face of irrelevant questions, I was transferred to Evin Prosecutor’s Office No. 2, where the charges of propaganda against the regime and spreading lies with the intention of disturbing the public mind added to my record. The prosecutor cited to my artistic activities and my writings on Instagram as evidence for the new charges against me. Promotion of leftist beliefs also was mentioned in my file. “

