25-July-2021 Newsgroup: Uncategorized – Breathing in Confinement: On the tenth day of the protests in Khuzestan against the water shortage crisis, internet services were cut off across the province. However, despite widespread repression, reports indicate that protest rallies continued in Susangerd, Shadegan, Izeh, and some areas in Ahvaz. In addition, on Saturday, July 24, 2021, […]
25-July-2021 Newsgroup: Women – Prisoners – Breathing in Confinement: On Sunday, July 25, Giti Pourfazel, a retired lawyer and political prisoner, was granted a leave on bail. She, after having tested positive for Covid-19, had been transferred to quarantine ward along with some other prisoners with symptoms of the disease. According to “Breathing in […]
24-July-2021 Newsgroup: Uncategorized – Breathing in Confinement: On Saturday, July 24, 2021, the people of Tabriz rallied in support of the protests in Khuzestan. Despite the heavy presence of security forces and counter-insurgency guards in the streets, massive rallies was held. According to Breathing in Confinement, the news organ of the Prisoners’ Rights League […]
24-July-2021 Newsgroup: Ethnic Minorities – Breathing in Confinement: On Friday, July 23, 2021, concurrently with the ninth day of the uprisings in Khuzestan, despite the widespread repression and disruption of the Internet, protests rallies were held in various parts of the province. The protests which began on Thursday, July 15, 2021, spread rapidly to more […]
24-July-2021 Newsgroup: Freedom of Expression – Execution – Prisoners – Execution of at least 34 prisoners Arrest of more than 90 civil, ideological and political activists in various cities Issuance/confirmation of at least 127 years, 11 months and 18 days of imprisonment for civil rights activists, religious minorities, labor and human rights activists Breathing […]
23-July-2021 Newsgroup: Ethnic Minorities – Breathing in Confinement: The body of Hadi Bahmani, one of the victims of the protests in the City of Izeh in Khuzestan, was buried. Despite the oppressions and violent approach of security forces, protests against the water crisis continued in various cities of Khuzestan province and expanded to the neighboring […]
23-July-2021 Newsgroup: Prisoners – Breathing in Confinement: Amin Sattari Raouf, a civil activist from Tabriz, was arrested by security forces on the evening of July 22, 2021. According to Breathing in Confinement, the news organ of the Prisoners’ Rights League in Iran, Amin Sattari Raouf, a civil activist from Tabriz in Azerbaijan, was arrested […]
23-July-2021 Newsgroup: Prisoners – Breathing in Confinement: After being arrested in Tabriz, Akbar Naeimi was transferred to Evin Prison in Tehran. He was arrested by security forces on July 19, 2021, in Tabriz. Mr. Naeimi had previously been sentenced by the Revolutionary Court in Tehran to a total of 9 years and 8 months in […]
22-July-2021 Newsgroup: Uncategorized – Breathing in Confinement: With continuation of the protests in Khuzestan against water crisis and their spreads to at least 30 cities in the country, the Iranian Writers’ Association in a statement condemned the repression of protesting people, and called for their sufferings to be reflected: “We call on all of the […]
22-July-2021 Newsgroup: Ethnic minorities – Breathing in Confinement: Seventh day of the uprisings in Khuzestan against water crisis started on Wednesday morning, July 21, 2021, with a gathering in Salihaviyeh village in Darkhovin. At night, people in the cities of Susangerd, Izeh, Dezful, Shadegan, Ramshir, Sheiban, Mahshahr, Khormousa and Masjed Soleiman held protest rallies. In […]