Breathing in Confinement

December 15th, 2020

Evin Prison’s Women’s Ward, a High Security Ward

Thirty one women prisoners and political defendants are currently being held in the women’s ward of Evin Prison. This is a High Security Ward with at least 30 CCTV by which the prisoners are under constant control. In terms of medical care, hospital referrals, food and hygiene, especially following the outbreak of Covid-19, the ward’s […]

December 9th, 2020

Saba Kordafshari is deported from Evin to Qarchak Prison in Varamin

Breathing in Confinement: December 9, 2020, as per the order of the prosecutor, Saba Kordafshari, a civil activist, was deported from Evin Prison to Qarchak Prison in Varamin. Rahela Ahmadi, Saba’s mother, asked the prison officials for transferting her along with her daughter. She however, was told that the prosecutor has ordered that Saba should […]

December 1st, 2020

A female worker dies in Shahroud

Breathing in Confinement, November 30, 2020: A female worker in Shahroud Cardboard Box Factory, lost her life as a result of workplace safety failings.

November 17th, 2020

Amnesty International calls for the release of Saba Kurd Afshari

Breathing in Confinement: Amnesty International called for the immediate release of Saba Kurd Afshari.

November 13th, 2020

Yasaman Ariani catches Covid-19 in Kachuei prison in Karaj

Breathing in Confinement: Yasaman Ariani, a 23-year-old civil activist has caught Covid-19 in Kachuei Prison in Karaj. On October 21, 2020, for unknown reasons, Yasaman Ariani and her mother Monireh Arabshahi were transferred from Evin Prison to Kachuei Prison in Karaj.

November 13th, 2020

Prison guards harass female prisoners in Hamadan prison

Breathing in Confinement: Female prisoners in Hamadan Central Prison are being harassed and tortured by prison guards.

October 12th, 2020

To serve their jail sentences, Ashraf Nafari and Alieh Motalebzadeh are arrested and transferred to Evin Prison

  Breathing in Confinement: On October 12, 2020, after appearing at Evin Prison Prosecutor’s Office, Ashraf Nafari, a mathematics student at Khajeh Nasir University in Tehran, and Alieh Motalebzadeh, a photographer and women’s rights activist, were arrested and transferred to Evin Prison.   On April 26, 2020, Ms. Nafri, a student at Khajeh Nasir University, […]

October 6th, 2020

Unlawful transfer of Elham Barmaki from Evin Prison to Qarchak Prison in Varamin

Breathing in Confinement: On October 5, 2020, Elham Barmaki was transferred from Evin Prison to Qarchak Prison in Varamin. The transfer happened despite the fact that her parole had been approved, and therefore, she should have already been released.

September 21st, 2020

Following drug poisoning, Maryam Ebrahimvand is transferred from women ward of Evin Prison to the prison’s medical center

Breathing in Confinement: Friday, September 18, 2020, the imprisoned movie director, Maryam Ebrahimvand, was transferred to the prison’s medical center due to drug poisoning. After a night in the medical center, she was returned back to the Evin’s political women ward.   According to Breathing in Confinement, the news organ of the Prisoners’ Rights League […]

August 10th, 2020

Detention of Fatemeh Davand; Amnesty International, condemning the detention of Fatemeh Davand, called for her release

Breathing in Confinement: On Thursday, August 6, 2020, to serve her 3 years and 9 months sentence, for participating in the November 2019 protests, Fatemeh Davand was arrested and transferred to Urmia Prison.