Breathing in Confinement


Execution of a prisoner accused of killing two rangers in Zanjan prison


Category: executions

Newsgroup: Execution –

Breathing in Confinement: At dawn on Monday, May 23, 2022, a prisoner accused of killing two rangers in Zanjan province, whose death sentence had been upheld by the Supreme Court, was executed in Zanjan Central Prison.

Sadeghi Niaraki, the Chief Justice of Zanjan Province, told Fars News Agency: “The case was heard in the shortest possible time and a final verdict was issued. After the verdict was upheld by the Supreme Court, on the morning of Monday, May 23, 2022, the sentence was carried out in Zanjan Central Prison.”

The executed prisoner had been accused of killing two rangers named Mehdi Majallal and Mikael Hashemi last year.

According to the annual report of the Statistics Center of the Prisoners’ Rights League in Iran, at least 383 prisoners were executed in the last Persian year year (20 March 2021- 20 March 2022), of whom only 34 were announced by the state media, and the rest were carried out in secret.

