Breathing in Confinement


Execution of two prisoners in Ardabil prison


Category: executions

Newsgroup: Execution –

Breathing in a Confinement: At dawn on Wednesday, June 8, 2022, two prisoners sentenced to death for murder were hanged in Ardabil Prison.

According to “Breathing in a Confinement”, the news organ of the Prisoners’ Rights League in Iran, two prisoners sentenced to death for murder were executed in Ardabil Prison at the dawn of June 8, 2022. The prisoners have been identified as Sajjad Takravi, 27, and Hojjat Asyabani, 50.

Hojjat Asyabani had reportedly been sentenced to death for the murder of his wife, and had been transferred to solitary confinement more than twice in the past eight months. Sajjad Takravi was also arrested seven years ago on murder charges.

As of this writing, the executions have not been announced by the state media or official sources .

According to the annual report of the Statistics Center of the Prisoners’ Rights League in Iran, at least 383 prisoners were executed during the past Persian Year (March 20, 2021 – March 20, 2022), of which only 34 were reported by the state media, and the rest were carried out in secret.

