Ongoing detention and unawareness of the condition of Aziz Ghasemzadeh, the spokesman for Teachers’ Trade Association in Gilan

Category: Freedom of Expression
Newsgroup: Freedom of Expression –
Breathing in Confinement: Three days after the arrest of Aziz Ghasemzadeh, the spokesman for Teachers’ Trade Association in Gilan, his whereabouts and condition are still unknown.
According to Breathing in Confinement, the news organ of the Prisoners’ Rights League in Iran, Aziz Ghasemzadeh was arrested by security forces at his father’s home on Sunday, September 17, and taken to an unknown location. During his arrest, security agents searched Mr. Azizi’s home and seized some of his personal belongings.
The Coordination Council of Iranian Teachers’ Trade Associations in a statement, condemning the arrest of Mr. Azizi, called for his immediate and unconditional release. The council continued: “On September 26, only one day after the nationwide rallies held by teachers who demanded the full implementation of the ranking and salary equalization bills, as well as the improvement of the quality of education, taking place in more than 40 cities across the country, Mr. Aziz Ghasemzadeh, the spokesman for the Teachers’ Association in Gilan, was was unfortunately arrested at his father’s home. Plainclothes agents detained Mr. Ghasemzadeh without presenting a legal permission or an arrest warrant and took him to an unknown location.”
In recent weeks, “Gholamreza Gholamikandazi” and “Mehdi Fathi”, two teachers and members of the Teachers’ Trade Association in Fars province, have also been arrested.
Ismail Abdi, Mohammad Hossein Sepehri, Hashem Khastar, Nahid Fath’alian, Nosrat Beheshti, Yaghoub Yazdani, Mohammad Reza Ramezanzadeh, Hossein Hassankhani and Zeinab Hamrang are among the other imprisoned teachers.