Breathing in Confinement


On Sunday, 23 June, at least 9 rallies and protest marches were held/ The workers of 75 oil industry contractors went on strike


Category: Labor and guilds، Prisoners


June 24, 2024
News group: protests – pensioners – workers and unions –
Breathing in Confinement: On Sunday, June 24, 2024, at least 9 protest rallies and marches were held. At the same time, the workers of 75 contracting oil companies, petrochemical and power plant industries went on strike.

According to the Statistics Centre of the Prisoners’ Rights League in Iran,  “Breathing in Confinement”, on Sunday, June 24, 2024, social security pensioners held a rally and a protest march in the cities of Rasht, Tehran, Kermanshah and Shush. The retirees protested against the poor living conditions, poverty, high prices and inflation. They chanted: The debate between presidential candidates was good, but it was all a lie/Aghazadeh (children of the government officials) is in America, but inflation is for us/We did not see justice, we no longer vote/the teachers prisoners must be free/the worker prisoners must be free.

On the same day, steel industry retirees in Ahvaz, Isfahan and Mazandaran protested against the poor living conditions and the non-fulfilment of their demands. The retirees were chanting: retiree speak up! shout your right/ enough with promises, nothing is left on our tables.

On Sunday, teachers also protested against non-fulfilment of their demands in front of the education system in Tehran on the second day of their rally.

Municipal workers in Abadan gathered and spread empty table clothes in protest of non-payment of arrears.

On the fourth day of protests, more than 19,000 contractor oil industry workers as well as petrochemical and power plant industries in more than 75 companies went on strike . The workers demanded the removal of contractors from the fields of oil, gas and petrochemicals, the implementation of 14 days of work and 14 days of off, the increase of wages and the payment of salaries similar other oil company employees and the payment of job benefits.

