Breathing in Confinement


Political prisoner Afshin Baymani goes on hunger strike protesting over Deputy Prosecutor’s extortion


Category: Prisoners

Breathing in Confinement – Political prisoner Afshin Baymani, who is serving his 20th year in Rajai Shahr Prison, went on a hunger strike starting from Sunday, November 10, 2019, which is to be continued until his status is clarified. He has attempted a hunger strike in protest against Deputy Prosecutor Amin Vaziri’s impediment in him being granted a furlough.

Breathing in Confinement, news organ of the Prisoners’ Rights League in Iran, reported that on Sunday evening, November 10, 2019, political prisoner Afshin Baymani began a hunger strike against what he called “deputy prosecutor’s extortion “. According to the report, Afshin Baymani stated that the deputy prosecutor has filed a new case against him at Branch 3 of the Evin Prosecutor’s Office chaired by the Interrogator Shah Mohammadi in order to dismiss him from being granted a furlough.


As per an informed source reporting to Breathing in Confinement: “After 20 years of imprisonment, while political prisoner Afshin Baymani was offered a few days of temporary leave, the deputy prosecutor providing a mock plaintiff and opening a fabricated dossier, has filed a new case against him. He then has subjected his temporary leave to pay a fine and compensation. So much so that even the judges in the branch 3 and 7 of the criminal court, rejected the case arguing that the case had been closed 20 years back due to the lack of sufficient evidence”.

The source continued: “Case was referred to Branch 7 of Tehran Criminal Court number 1, presiding over by Judge Keikha where after one session of hearing, considering the lack of evidence and proofs, it was re-referred to Interrogation Office. Currently, however,  Deputy Prosecutor Amin Vaziri has ordered Afshin Baymani to pay  “4 complete Diya” (equal to one billion and two hundred million Tomans) before being granted temporary leave. ”


It should be noted that in 2010, AfshinBaymani was initially sentenced to death on the charge of giving refuge to his brother, who was an of the Mojahedin-e-Khalq Organization. Six years later, however, his sentence was reduced to life in prison. He is currently serving his 20th year in Rajai Shahr Prison. Mr. Baymani is married and has children.
